



1. 森林生态系统结构与功能动态变化机制及其对全球变化响应,主要研究森林生态系统的结构动态、初级生产力和碳氮水循环过程的变化机制及尺度效应,定量分析森 林植被对地表碳、氮、水循环过程的影响机制,建立植被格局-生态过程-空间显现的多过程、多尺度耦合模型,提出满足区域生态安全的森林植被结构及景观优化 配置格局的科学方案。

2. 基于生态水文学的理论和方法,采用现代空间遥感手段发展大尺度空间生态水文学。重点研究气候变化和土地利用/土地覆盖变化对我国主要森林生态系统生态水文 过程的影响,基于高光谱遥感技术,发展区域植被活动规律的定量、实时观测与预测,定量估测植被结构特征和功能的变化及其生态水文效应。。同时,开展气候变 化对森林生态系统水碳平衡影响的研究,以及运用稳定同位素技术,定量地研究我国森林生态系统碳水循环过程以及气候变化对生态系统碳水循环过程的影响机制, 提出适应气候变化的森林生态系统经营和流域管理对策。

3. 采用恢复生态学的理论与方法,研究退化天然林生态恢复与重建技术模式,包括退化生态系统恢复过程中的物间关系、群落结构与生态功能的演变;群落自然演替及 其近自然恢复过程的调控机制;林分和景观尺度上退化天然林生态恢复与重建模式的构建和优化技术;退化天然林景观恢复与空间经营规划技术。

4. 我国典型人工林生态系统碳氮循环及多目标可持续经营,开展典型人工林生态系统土壤碳储量与碳稳定性固持机制的研究,包括不同树种和不同人工林经营模式的土 壤碳过程、土壤微生物群落组成和土壤温室气体排放规律及其对气候变化的响应揭示了影响人工林土壤碳储量、碳组分和土壤温室气体排放的关键生物学与环境因 素,阐明了土壤微生物过程主导的土壤碳稳定性固持的生态学机制;建立了我国典型人工林生态系统经营和模拟气候变化对人工林影响的长期野外实验平台。在此基 础上,深入研究森林经营过程中土壤有机碳动态及稳定性固持机制,研究成果



      1963年生,中国林业科学研究院副院长,国家级跨世纪学术技术带头人,国家杰出青年基金获得者。曾取得过国家 科技进步二等奖3项、省部级科技进步三等奖3项,获第四届中国林业青年科技奖,梁希林业科学技术一等奖。主编或参编的学术专著有18部,在国内外发表学术论文300余篇。

      现任国际林业研究联盟组织(IUFRO)执委和IUFRO第八学部-森林环境学部的副协调员、国际生态学会执委、国际气候变化专家组成员和中国林学会森林生态专业委员会主任委员。Journal of Forestry Research、生态学报、应用生态学报、北京林业大学学报等学报的副主编,Forestry,Ecohydrology,J.Res.& Eool.,植物生态学报等学报的编委。








      联系方式:010-6288 9534




主要从事森林与气候变化、树轮生态学研究。主持国家自然科学基金项目4项、国家重点研发计划课题1项,作为专题负责人参加国家科技支撑课题1项、林业公益性行业重大专项2项和自然科学基金重大项目1项。发表学术论文110余篇,其中SCI 40余篇。已培养硕士研究生10余人。



  1. Chunming Shi, Cong Gao, Yuandong Zhang*, Fangzhong ShiMiaogen ShenSonglin Shi, The majority of tree growth on the monsoonal Tibetan Plateau has benefited from recent summer warming, Catena, 2021, 207:105649.

  2. Hui Shao, Yuandong Zhang*, Fengxue Gu, Chunming Shi, Ning Miao, Shirong Liu Impacts of climate extremes on ecosystem metrics in southwest China, Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 776, 145979.

  3. Zhongda Hu, Yuandong Zhang*, Fengxue Gu, Yaobin Li, Hui Shao, Shirong Liu, Local residents’ perceptions of climate and ecological changes in the eastern Tibetan Plateau, Regional Environmental Change, 2020, 20:56.

  4. Wenqi Song, Changcheng Mu, Yuandong Zhang*, Xu Zhang, Zongshan Li, Huiying Zhao, Xiaochun Wang*, Moisture-driven changes in the sensitivity of the radial growth of Picea crassifolia to temperature, northeastern Tibetan Plateau, Dendrochronologia, 2020, 64, 125761.

  5. Mingming Guo, Yuandong Zhang*, Shirong Liu*, Fengxue Gu, Xiaochun Wang, Zongshan Li, Chunming Shi, Zexin FanDivergent growth between spruce and fir at alpine treelines on the east edge of the Tibetan Plateau in response to recent climate warming, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2019, 276, 107631.

  6. Yaobin Li, Yuandong Zhang*, Fengxue Gu, Shirong Liu. Discrepancies in vegetation phenology trends and shift patterns in different climatic zones in middle and eastern Eurasia between 1982 and 2015, Ecology and Evolution, 2019, 9:8664-8675.

  7. Mingming Guo, Yuandong Zhang*, Xiaochun Wang, Fengxue Gu, Shirong Liu*, The responses of dominant tree species to climate warming at the treeline on the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau, Forest Ecology and Management, 2018,425:21-26.

  8. Yuandong Zhang, Mingming Guo, Xiaochun Wang, Fengxue Gu, Shirong Liu*, Divergent tree growth response to recent climate warming of Abies faxoniana at alpine treelines in east edge of Tibet Plateau, Ecological research, 2018, 33(2):303-311.

  9. Fengxue Gu, Yuandong Zhang, Mei Huang, Bo Tao, Zhengjia Liu, Man Hao, Rui Guo, Climate-driven uncertainties in modeling terrestrial ecosystem net primary productivity in China, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2017,246,123-132.

  10. Liangjun Zhu, Yuandong Zhang*, Zongshan Li, Binde Guo, and Xiaochun Wang* A 368-year maximum temperature reconstruction based on tree-ring data in the northwestern Sichuan Plateau(NWSP), ChinaClimate of the Past, 2016,12, 1485-1498.

  11. Yuandong Zhang*, Fengxue Gu, Shirong Liu, Yanchun Liu, Chao Li, Variations of carbon stock with forest types in subalpine region of southwestern China. Forest Ecology and Management2013300:88-95.

  12. Yanchun Liu, Yuandong Zhang*Shirong Liu, Aboveground carbon stock evaluation with different restoration approaches using tree ring chronosequences in Southwest China. Forest Ecology and Management, 2012, 263:39-46.

  13. 彭钟通,郭明明,张远东*,顾峰雪,邵辉,刘世荣.升温突变对川西道孚林线川西云杉和鳞皮冷杉生长的影响.生态学报,20214120),8202-8211.

  14. 邵辉,张远东*,顾峰雪,缪宁,刘世荣,长江经济带水分利用效率变化及与温度和降水的关系,生态学报,202040(16):5579-5590.



      2000~2004年  东北林业大学生命科学学院   生物科学  本科  导师:王传宽

      2004~2007年  中国科学院华南植物园        生态学  硕士  导师:莫江明

      2007~2010年  中国林业科学研究院         生态学  博士  导师:刘世荣



      2010/07~2013/10  中国林科院森环森保所 助理研究员

      2013/11 至今  中国林科院森环森保所 副研究员(2015年硕导)




1. 2012年获第四届梁希青年论文奖一等奖

2. 参加国家科技进步二等奖项目《天然林保护与生态恢复技术》,排名第19


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,南亚热带典型人工混交林土壤碳化学稳定性及其形成机制(31470627),主持

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,凋落物输入对南亚热带典型人工林土壤碳化学结构及稳定性的影响(31100380),主持

3. 森林与土壤生态国家重点实验室开放基金课题,长白山森林生态化学计量特征及其与群落演替和养分变化的关系(LFSE2014-01),主持

4. 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金,南亚热带典型人工林凋落物叶输入对土壤碳化学结构的影响(CAFRIFEEP201104),主持

5. 国家国际科技合作专项项目,亚热带人工林增汇及多目标经营系统规划技术(2015DFA31440),参加

6. 国家自然科学基金重大项目课题植物对森林生态系统碳-氮-水耦合循环的作用机制(31290223),参加

7. 国家科技支撑计划课题,西南和热带森林可持续经营技术研究与示范(2012BAD22B01),参加

8. 林业公益性行业科研专项,森林增汇技术、碳计量与碳贸易市场机制研究(201104006),参加


1. Hui Wang, Shirong Liu*, Jingxin Wang, Zuomin Shi, Jia Xu, Pizheng Hong, Angang Ming, Haolong Yu, Lin Chen, Lihua Lu, Daoxiong Cai. Differential effects of conifer and broadleaf litter inputs on soil organic carbon chemical composition through altered soil microbial community
composition. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 27097

2. Hui Wang, Shirong Liu*, Scott X. Chang, Jingxin Wang, Zuomin Shi, Xueman Huang, Yuan Wen, Lihua Lu, Daoxiong Cai. Soil microbial community composition rather than litter quality is linked with soil organic carbon chemical composition in plantations in subtropical China. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2015, 15(5): 1094-1103. 

3. Hui Wang, Shirong Liu*, Jingxin Wang, Zuomin Shi, Lihua Lu, Ji Zeng, Angang Ming, Jixin Tang, Haolong Yu. Effects of tree species mixture on soil organic carbon stocks and greenhouse gas fluxes in subtropical plantations in China. Forest Ecology and Management, 2013, 300: 4-13.

4. Hui Wang, Shirong Liu*, Jingxin Wang, Zuomin Shi, Lihua Lu, Wenfu Guo, Hongyan Jia, Daoxiong Cai, Dynamics and speciation of organic carbon during decomposition of leaf litter and fine roots in four subtropical plantations of China. Forest Ecology and Management, 2013, 300: 43-52.

5. Hui Wang, Shirong Liu*, Jiangming Mo, Tao Zhang. Soil-atmosphere exchange of greenhouse gases in subtropical plantations of indigenous tree species. Plant and Soil. 2010, 335: 213–227.  

6. Hui Wang, Shirong Liu*, Jiangming Mo. Correlation between leaf litter and fine root decomposition among subtropical tree species. Plant and Soil. 2010, 335: 289–298. 

7. Hui Wang, Shirong Liu*, Jiangming Mo, Jingxin Wang, Franz Makeschin, Maria Wolff. Soil organic carbon stock and chemical composition in four plantations of indigenous tree species in subtropical China. Ecological Research. 2010, 25: 1071–1079. 

8. Xueman Huang, Shirong Liu*, Hui Wang, Zongda Hu, Zhongguo Li, Yeming You. Changes of soil microbial biomass carbon and community composition through mixing nitrogen-fixing species with Eucalyptus urophylla in subtropical China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2014, 73: 42-48.

9. Yuan Wen, Jamie L. Schuler, Shirong Liu, Pu Mou, Hui Wang, Haolong Yu, Jingxin Wang. Soil carbon dynamics in a Pinus massoniana plantation following clear-cutting and slash removal. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2016, 9 (1): 20-29.

10. Shirong Liu*, Shuirong Wu, Hui Wang. Managing planted forests for multiple uses under a changing environment in China. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, 2014, 44: S3.

11. Xiao Zhang, Shirong Liu∗, Xiangzhen Li, Jingxin Wang, Qiong Ding, Hui Wang, Chao Tian, Minjie Yao, Jiaxing An, Yongtao Huang. Changes of soil prokaryotic communities after clear-cutting in a karst forest: evidences for cutting-based disturbance promoting deterministic processes. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 92, 2016, fiw026.

12. Yanchun Liu, Shirong Liu*, Shiqiang Wan, Jingxin Wang, Junwei Luan, Hui Wang. Differential responses of soil respiration to soil warming and experimental throughfall reduction in a transitional oak forest in central China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2016, 226-227: 186-198.

13. 刘世荣,王晖,栾军伟. 中国森林土壤碳储量与土壤碳过程研究进展. 生态学报, 2011, 31(19): 5437-5448.

14. 刘恩,王晖,刘世荣. 南亚热带不同林龄红锥人工林碳贮量与碳固定特征. 应用生态学报, 2012, 23(2): 335-340.

15. 刘世荣, 代力民, 温远光, 王晖. 面向生态系统服务的森林生态系统经营:现状、挑战与展望. 生态学报, 2015, 35(1): 1-9.

16. 缪宁, 刘世荣, 史作民, 马姜明, 王晖. 强度干扰后退化森林生态系统中保留木的生态效应研究综述. 生态学报, 2013, 33(13):3889-3897.

17. 张国斌,刘世荣,张远东,缪宁,王晖,2008. 岷江上游亚高山林区老龄林地上生物量动态变化.生态学报. 28(7):3176-3184.

18. 刘世荣,王晖. 森林生态系统管理与土壤可持续固碳能力. 论著章节,《科学前沿与未来(2009-2011)》香山科学会议/编,科学出版社,北京,2011. 92-97.





















Liu C, Chen Z, Liu S, Cao K, Niu B, Liu X, Gao X. Multi-year throughfall reduction enhanced the growth and non-structural carbohydrate storage of roots at the expenses of above-ground growth in a warm-temperate natural oak forest. Forest Ecosystem, 2023, 10: 100118.

Chen Z, Li S, Wan X, Liu S. Strategies of tree species to adapt to drought from leaf stomatal regulation and stem embolism resistance to root properties. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.926535.

Chen Z, Liu C, Li X, Li S, Wan X, Liu S. The response of ABA and hydraulic indicatormediated leaf gas exchange and nonstructural carbohydrate of Ginkgo biloba saplings to drought and rehydration. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2022, 44: 61.

Chen Z, Zhang Y, Yuan W, Zhu S, Pan R, Wan X, Liu S. Coordinated variation in stem and leaf functional traits of temperate broadleaf tree species in the isohydric-anisohydric spectrum. Tree Physiology, 2021, 41: 1601-1610.

Chen Z, Zhu S, Zhang Y, Luan J, Li S, Sun P, Wan X, Liu S. Tradeoff between storage capacity and embolism resistance in the xylem of temperate broadleaf tree species. Tree Physiology, 2020, 40: 1029-1042.

Chen Z, Liu S, Lu H, Wan X. Interaction of stomatal behaviour and vulnerability to xylem cavitation determines the drought response of three temperate tree species. AoB Plants, 2019, 11(5): plz058, doi: 10.1093/aobpla/plz058

Chen Z, Li S, Luan J, Zhang Y, Zhu S, Wan X, Liu S. Prediction of temperate broadleaf tree species mortality in arid limestone habitats with stomatal safety margins. Tree Physiology, 2019, 39(8): 1428-1437.

Chen Z, Feng J, Wan X. Stomatal Behaviors of Aspen (Populus tremuloides) in Response to Low Root Temperature in Hydroponics. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2018, 65(4): 512-517.

Chen Z, Wang L, Dai Y, Wan X, Liu S. Phenology-dependent variation in the non-structural carbohydrates of broadleaf evergreen species plays an important role in determining tolerance to defoliation (or herbivory). Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 10125. DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-09757-2.

陈志成, 姜丽娜, 冯锦霞, 万贤崇. 木本植物木质部栓塞测定技术的争议与进展. 林业科学, 2018, 54(5): 145-153.

陈志成, 陆海波, 刘世荣, 刘晓静, 刘畅, 万贤崇. 锐齿栎水力结构和生长对降雨减少的响应. 生态学报, 2018, 38(7): 2405-2413.

陈志成, 刘畅, 刘晓静, 万贤崇. 光强和树体大小对锐齿栎树木水、碳平衡的影响. 林业科学, 2017, 53(9): 18-25.

陈志成, 陆海波, 刘晓静, 刘畅, 刘世荣, 万贤崇. 宝天曼三桠乌药对降雨减少后的生理生态响应. 林业科学研究, 2017, 30(3): 430-435.

陈志成, 刘晓静, 刘畅, 万贤崇. 锐齿栎幼苗生长、光合作用和非结构性碳对遮阴和模拟光斑的响应. 生态学杂志, 2017, 36(4): 935-943.

陈志成, 万贤崇. 虫害叶损失造成的树木非结构性碳减少与树木生长、死亡的关系研究进展. 植物生态学报, 2016, 40(9): 958-968.


